(上圖:西域少俠攝於凱旋門...西域少俠獨有《擔扞耳》下格馬相,相反牠鬥心極好,忠心耐跑~賽績9W-8Q-5P) 4 Jan 2015 ~ Multiple Group One winning jockey Gary Palmer has died unexpectedly, aged 53.The retired Queensland rider had a new career as a racing steward and worked on the panel at the Gold Coast races on Saturday, just hours before his death. 約80年代中出任郭靈華馬房主帥的一代名將彭瑪,上周六在澳洲突然離世,享年五十三歲。彭瑪掛靴後,在澳洲出任競賽董事,上周六在黃金海岸賽事工作後猝死。
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